
John Elwyn 1916-1997

So Far, No Further 1954 (oil on canvas, 18 x 24 ins) 

Before I start a painting I must have some inspiration from outside such as a shower of rain in April or perhaps a line of poetry – something that moves the imagination to create a mirror of thoughts and reflection of feelings. Then it is better not to know exactly what will follow – leave the painting to take over in a way. There is always hope that something interesting will happen.

A Childhood in Wales

John Elwyn was born at Newcastle Emlyn in the heart of rural west Wales. He was raised among a close community of farmers, weavers and local craftsmen in a staunchly Welsh-speaking and Nonconformist chapel-going part of the county. His early experiences in south Cardiganshire shaped his art and his attitude towards the landscape and its inhabitants.. 

Yesterday’s Gossip 1949 (oil on panel, 10.5 x 12 ins) 


Twelve of my personal favourites to showcase the richness and diversity of John Elwyn artworks produced over his seven-decade career.

The Farmer’s Wife 1953 (oil, 16 x 20 ins) 

Recollections of places, situations and experiences enable me to keep working. That is the artistic bug. You can’t stop your imagination even if you are not painting. One is always visualising everything on canvas or paper. This is not inspiration as I understand the term – but it is on the way towards it. Though it is very rare that inspiration happens as an isolated occurrence, it is achievable by sustained effort and hard work. It has to be experienced or lived through and projected before it manifests itself – whether in sound, colour or words.

Sketchbook Vacations


The White Goats of the Island of Cos 1989 (watercolour, 14 x 19 ins) 

Book Jackets

Dust Wrappers and more

Original Illustrations

Unidentified projects.

Shell Guides

The Shilling Guides

Leslie Norris

Unidentified projects.

Radio Times

Dust Wrappers and more

Dysgyblion Yr Iesu

The Shilling Guides

John Elwyn


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Wales, UK